Oct 24, 2009


Saw The September Issue, got excited about taking pictures again, drove home, yawn.

. . .

Oct 20, 2009

it's a chopper baby

as requested:

. . .

Oct 13, 2009

the truth-telling bradley turns 41

And gets a birthday present:

If you give them cuffs, they should fit bottles too.

Evidently the tabs on MHL cans are not similarly situated w/r/2 the can design. Fascinating. So much to learn about the high life.

. . .

Oct 8, 2009

Miss Pronounce

  • epitome (ep-ih-tome)
  • chaos (chouse)
  • chihuahua (chih-hoo-a-hoo-a)
  • macabre (mackaber)
  • devour (d'vore)

Mostly learned through reading and not realizing that they were the same word that I'd heard pronounced. I still screw up the last two.

There are more. There was a good one the other day that I forget now.

. . .

Oct 7, 2009

pictures (Allied Chemical)

Probably the last 70-degree day in Nebraska this year (today, Dodge St.):

The Slowdown floor, during the Minabirds' debut (last week):

DMC et al. watching JB (Empty Room, a few weeks ago):

More Empty Room (same night):

Seatbelt (Country Squire, September sometime).

Sunny Day Back Porch (Sept.):

and let's not forget these good times (09/05/09):

I'm still working on pictures of the scooter. It's cold now.

(a later note: the pictures are really better if you click on & embiggen them)

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Oct 6, 2009


See more here.

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Oct 5, 2009

how a sewing machine works

I never had any idea.

. . .