Sep 15, 2007


I bought a microwave today for a dollar at a garage sale. (I also got a beautiful quilt rack for $5 at another garage sale, but that's not what this post is about. I included a picture just for kicks though.) Anyhow, I can't remember the last time I owned a microwave. It might be never. Here are the ever-so-fascinating reasons why I decided to rejoin the world of nukers:
  • It's probably more cost-effective and environmentally friendly to reheat food in two minutes rather than the half hour it usually takes in my toaster oven; and
  • My gratification is more instant; and
  • It was $1 (although I confess I was pricing them in Walmart and actually carried one around in my cart for a while there earlier this week); and
  • It has the crucial "minute plus" function I love so much.
So pained visitors be assuaged! people who hate the thought of we microwaveless (you know who you are) be pacified. For now I nuke.

And although it does beeeeeeeeeep unpleasantly, it lessens my need for the chicken timer (found! by the way--hiding out in the spare bedroom for reasons she doesn't care to share), which, to be fair, has herself something of an unpleasant timbre.

And here are some gratuitous pictures of Lulu. They prove she has eyes.

and one fine tail. I like how feathery it is, although this picture does not do it justice.

Happy Saturday, all.

. . .


Alison said...

I picked up an identical quilt rack at my parents yesterday!

Anonymous said...

Well, she has ONE eye at least...