Dec 17, 2007


Skijor is a weird word that is Alaskans pronounce not, as I imagined, "ski-yer", but phonetically, "ski-jur." So that's weird. And the gear's weird too. There are straps that go this way and that way around me, and that way and this way around Lulu. And then, in another world where Lulu doesn't don't bop back and forth like a pinball, and I have skis, she could pull me on my skis. But that's contrary to fact, and instead we have a grand old time: she bopping about, and I, b/c of the construction of the harness, not getting my arm yanked off. Many thanks to the Arctic Outpost for its contribution to my wellbeing.

Here's a picture of skijoring I found on the tubes:

Maybe someday when Lulu and I get more coordinated, we'll try this out.


1 comment:

jc said...

I love the picture!!!

Miss you McS,
