Jul 30, 2006

i hate the friend

hello! I'm briefly on a computer in the Peace Corps office in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. There are movies to watch and dinner to make, but I just wanted to stop in and say that we've been having just the best time. Kristin and I met Tc and Josh (PCVs) at the Green Turtle and maxed and relaxed for four days. Then we went back to Accra, ate indian food, tofu and mint salads, steak, and terrific spaghetti, biked through mountains, and painted nutrionally informative pictures of anthrpomorphic vegetables on the walls of a nutrition center in a Liberian refugee camp an hour outside of Accra. Tomorrow Tc, Kristin, Cary (another PCV) and I will be going to her village, and then down to another Josh's village for a party. sweet. I'll be back in Accra on the 8th, and leaving for home on the 9th. suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuushi!

. . .


Timo ten Feld said...

Ha ha ha...we have the greatest story to tell you about the friend...it involves switched phones. Either that, or you're messing with us...if you are, you're a comical genius.

Z said...

anne baby! get some video footage of the friend. i hear he's hilarious.
