Aug 29, 2006

polka ... goes international

My statcounter tells me that I now have or have had readers in Canada, France, the U.K., Austria, Switzerland, and Spain. This is cool. It also makes sense. I think that maybe Ghana is the five places without any location. But why on earth do I have the most hits in the past month from people in El Reno, Oklahoma? Okies, speak up! I can't think of a single person I know there, so: who are you and why are you reading this? I'm also curious to know who's in Independence, Missiouri, Norwalk Connecticut, and Boca Raton, Florida (Piroska? Is that you?). Please do share.

In less meta-blog news, school starts tomorrow. Not so much to say about that at the moment, except it will be nice nice nice to see my peeps again. I no longer have a fever, although things are still awry down south. I'm hoping I don't have the awful parasites Kristin has been hosting. My apartment is slowly returning to A-apartment order, though I think it will be a few weeks before all is put right again. There was a plant massacre in my absence, which is sad, but happily almost none of the plants to which I was most emotionally tied died. The worst loss was a pretty little petunia growing out of a can! that I received from my sister Jeanne for Xmas and kept alive for a year and a half. I hope that another one finds its christmas way to me again this year.

Part of my slow-moving apartment-putting-to-rights was an olde time favorite of mine: online shopping! I bought a rug, some buttons by marimekko (a terrific Finnish design company), and a postcard album. I'm especially excited about the postcard album because I have a huge number of postcards that have long been needing a permanent home. In Annapolis, they sat on a ledge on the wall, and often fell off; most of the time since then they've been in a box or in a pile.

It was terrific seeing the family last weekend; I just wish I'd been less exhausted. I don't regret all the other travelling, but I wish it could have been more spread out, with perhaps some downtime in New York before it all began. But I got to see some law school people, some high school people, and a buttload of family people, and it makes me happy.

Here's my new rug:

I hope it looks as nice in person. or in rug.
Time to sort thru the suitcases. Oh yeah, and tomorrow's Aaron's birthday. Happy birthday Aa!

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