Aug 23, 2006

tastier spam

I got an email today that claimed to be from someone named SCIENCE. It's good to finally communicate one on one, without the mediation of those pesky SCIENTISTS. Maybe we will understand one another at last.

Also, "Kyle," another spamslinger, served this up to me:

It has been since we've gossiped.
just wanted you to hear about the project, that has been advising me lose
my gut.
You should stop by at [website]

give them 11 sec and that's it to begin.
It was super decisevely having someone to support me out.
I apologize I have been so overdue with it. Call me

escarpment as though some all disagree powerful hand had
I kill integrated if you do not let
sleepy that they must have dive already

Are YOU sure? Who comes up with this stuff? Kyle's a genius! Spam is entertainment!

In other news, my time in Nebraska is finished and we roll to Kansas City. Look out, nephews! buh-BLAM! auntie me's coming to town.

. . .

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