Mar 26, 2007

facebook and a chain of musings

As with friendster, facebook's kind of like being at a party, with the small talk, goofy pictures, gossip, and snarky flirting. I don't like parties. I like goofy pictures though.

When you search wikipedia for "snarky," you get the bio of a woman named Irina Slutsky, Queen of the Land of Unfortunate Names. Apparently she's done well for herself, though, which is nice.

The internet tells me that in the UK, unless the punctuation actually falls within the quotation, the comma or period is put outside the quotation marks. Examples from wikipedia:
  • "Carefree" means "free from care or anxiety." (American style)
  • "Carefree" means "free from care or anxiety". (British style)
  • "Hello, world," I said. (both styles)
I prefer the logic of the British style, but the look of the American style. That space between the period and the y in anxiety irks me. But so does putting the comma inside the quotation marks following the y in snarky. I am doomed to be irked.

I feel about "irk" the same way that Hobbes feels about smock in this comic:

[edit: I guess linking to the images sometimes makes people upset because it steals their bandwidth (I'm not too sure what that means but apparently it's bad). so if you want to see these, you have to go to the pissy dude's website, but I don't feel like linking to a pissy dude's website now, so all you have to know is that Hobbes really likes saying "smock smock smock smock smock" and it's funny.]

One awesome thing (of the many) about moving back to Nebraska is that I can re-establish my relationship with my Calvin and Hobbes books.

. . .

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