Apr 28, 2007

cold brooze (updated)

I'm trying this today, with yogurt containers.

--in retrospect, I seem to be making cold-brewed coffee concentrate. this would explain the ridiculously large amount of coffee in use. alas, too late for this time, but next time I'll try this.--

Do you think that Click and Clack the Tappet Brothers get stoned before every show? It's hard to imagine how they can possibly find the exact same jokes (e.g. "You've wasted another perfectly good hour listening to Car Talk" and "Don't drive like my brother") funny week after week after year after year otherwise.

. . .

(Update: the cold brew's pretty good! Not as good as the Mill's, but that's in part b/c I'm not using whole milk. Definitely richer than regular coffee. I'll be interested to see what my future houseguests think.

I'm also trying making no-knead bread with half whole wheat flour.

I'm going to miss the street tamales when I leave for NP.)

1 comment:

Alison said...

that's how we used to brew the coffee at work for cold drinks.