Jun 19, 2007

when I grow too old to dream

Alas, one of the most beautiful Junes I have ever seen is slipping away while I listen to cheesy law professors lecture on the most boring crap imaginable. This morning the clouds were lined up in, um, lines. I've never seen anything like it. And the trees that smell like honey are blooming, and so are the gigantic fuchia rosebushes. The western horizon was still bluegreen when I went to sleep last night at 10:30. I'm on the western edge of the time zone, so it stays light forever. (I go to work at the ridiculous hour of 8, which has required some change in sleeping patterns--this morning I actually woke up right at 6:30, anticipating the alarm. it is what it is.) I could probably bitch about studying for the bar exam for at least a few more paragraphs, but it, too, is what it is. Another 37 days and I'll be done, at least till I find out I've passed (every available piece of wood, duly knocked on). Until then, this blog might be rather bland, I'm afraid. I wish there were some good thai peanut sauce around, spice things up.

oh yeah. today's got some good feng shui--it's Doc Yung's birthday and the Rubensteins' anniversaire. I think I'll raise a glass to the three of them right now, and make some flashcards.

. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. np continues to sound lovely

2. if you think you can sneak up on a prairie dog.......think again

3. miss you