This is a tasty rhubarb custard pie HDL, AJD, and I made while I was in Lincoln before I moved out here. Harris takes the cake for the crimping.
This is a crazy NP sky from several weeks ago. We get good, fast storms here. Today it was more of an all-day sort of thing, more like rainy days in New York. Nice.
These are some sunflowers I raised from wee seeds. They're about twice that height, or more, now. Other sunflowers around town are already blooming, but I got a late start.
Walmart has great deals on gladioli.
I-80 runs straight, for 3 hours and 15 minutes, from NP to Lincoln. It's a drive I anticipate doing many, many times. You can see in this picture, A., a cool car on a truck, and B., that in Nebraska, when we have construction on the roads, the speed limit decreases to 65 mph (about 104 km per hour).
Ear-candling w/ PMcCMcS in Lincoln. So far as I know, it doesn't work, but it was an amusing pastime.
The glads look cool when they're dead, too.
This is my cheap, easy way of making stained glass. Food coloring and jars.
The neighbor kids, Nick and Delaney. I like how they were riding bikes in the rain with umbrellas (Nick had tossed his a few moments before), and that Bear got to come too.
I went to some garage sales around town today and bought these amazing old quilts for a grand total of $25. One lady knocked $10 off the price merely because I looked at the quilt for a while without saying anything (she would never make it in a ghanaian market). Both handmade, all cotton. The second one was made by the grandmother of the woman selling it, and she had to be over 65 herself.
There's no point in buying dresses if I just wait around for events to come around that deserve them. So I decided that this day deserved this dress. It's pretty fun, I'm going to make a habit of it, I hope. It ain't no lie, I like polka dot dot dots.
You'll notice there are no pictures of bar study. Nobody wants to see that, ew.
. . .
1 comment:
I can't wait to visit!!!!!!!!!! packing is sad but unpacking is happy so I'm just looking forward to that. :)
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