Mar 25, 2006

backing up is hard to do.


I am hap hap happy to report that Jessica Ellen Cherry, Ph.D., has joined me in blogging adventures, although my daily days cannot boast any comparison to her Alaskan wild wild life. What a terrific writer she is! see here, you:

Here's a for instance. Jessie gets to write about Santa Badger coming down her chimney. I write about backing up my computer. Insert boring complaint about backing-up difficulties. Beep. Beep. Beep. Boo.

But there're other good things to think about instead. My landlord actually came and repaired my dripping tub today, the very day that I called about it. And he promises to install my doorbell next week. Hooray for plumbing and ye olde time doorbell!

Yesterday I got to celebrate SJP's and MGS's birthdays! dinner at Holy Basil, a thai restaurant (order mussamun curry, whatever you do), beers (and Jeena's slice of birthday cake) at a bar, and songs sung at Sing Sing. Happy birthday, SJP & MGS! you children.

Today's been slow, as slow as Buzz you slow-ass. What I tell people is that I'm working on a paper. What I do is not. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow. And the Boss.

. . .


Anonymous said...

Um. What did I sing? Or do? Did anyone see my underwear? Oh well. You were cute and in glasses. I have no regrets. :)

acmcs said...

ha! I saw your underwear! and you stuck money in my pants.