Oct 9, 2006

and she's just my type

Hellllllo there.

Here are some apples on my table.

These are wandering jew clippings, a burkina faso pot, and a 1999 Nebraska Truck license plate.

And this is my new comforter and its future cover. The future cover has been waiting for 2 years now to be a cover, ever since I bought it in Lincoln Nebraska from a gay couple who import turkish rugs, etc. Now that I finally own a comforter that requires a cover, I can get started making the cover into a cover. Right now it's just a big beautiful embroidered rectangle. I'm hoping to have it finished by the time my next visitor arrives: SWT, on Friday. But that may be a bit ambitious, considering that I am, after all, in law school. At worst, it will be ready for JEC, when she next comes.

Here are a few other apartment tidpics. Also, SWT alerted me to this terrific website, www.delightfulblogs.com. It has listings of, um, delightful blogs. I found the "Deals and Steals" category especially useful. It still takes some time to sort thru, but at least the wide web world of blogs is pared down a little tiny bit.

Today, in addition to being Columbus Day, was Thwart McShane Day. I hope all you all found ways to celebrate this most enjoyable of holidays. The NYU Varsity Swim Team did, by using the entire pool from 2:30 to 6pm. The post office also enjoyed this holiday by being closed (they celebrate both holidays in this fashion). All right, I'm just complaining. Plenty of other things worked out just fine. Most recently, my dinner of homemade pesto (props once again, this time for the basil, to SWT), pasta, and beer was splendid. and this is getting into the sort of stupid minutiae that makes most blogs unreadable, so I. will. now. stop.

. . .

Oh yeah, except for it's Kieran's and Link's birthdays. Happy 78th and 4th, respectively! (Following the word "respectively" with an exclamation point is utterly ridiculous, I think.)

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