Oct 1, 2006

photo fizz!


The T&R Train rooooooolls through town and things start happening! New Coke gets a second chance, we walk the the Brrrrrrooklyn Appreciation Tour of America, and, in my apartment, a brave new world of fish embellishments grabs the limelight and it's out with the blue, in with a new old coffee table.

These are some beautiful peppers.

Here's Tim looking like a little Ghanaian market lady, selling his beautifully stacked pillows.

And Rachel at Greenmarket Market, trying on a new color of yarn.

and Brooklyn.

Oh yes, and a tearful, chest-bumping reunion with Michael George at SKP & JPK's final wedding finale.

The new table, boldly bargained for by me.

And the fishes. The school on the table hails from Accra, Ghana, the ones hanging in the air, from someplace in India, c/o Michael & Seemee.

Oh yeah, and today there were Polish parades in Greenpoint. And by "parades" I mean about 5 cars driving by periodically with red and white flags honking a lot.

This is not Greenpoint. Rather, it is the Vatican.

More pictures of recent events at a webgallery near you:
the apt: http://annescanon.rhymm.com/digipics/nyc/1018man/year3/
about town with the yung-cherrys: http://annescanon.rhymm.com/digipics/nyc/lhsnyc/trtrainsept06/
the SKP/JPK PTY: http://annescanon.rhymm.com/digipics/nyc/nyusol/0607/skpjpkpty/
and the nighttime approach to NYC: http://annescanon.rhymm.com/digipics/nyc/citylights/flysept06/

The pictures are password-protected, so in order to see them, you have to register and be approved by me. Approval usually happens within 24 hours, check back to view later. Thanks.

. . .

1 comment:

Alison said...

I like that table!