Oct 12, 2006

bring it, Nebraska

"Because of their high incarceration rate, blacks are most affected by the [felon] voting bans that vary widely among the states, with many barring current inmates and parolees from voting until they have fulfilled their sentences, and some barring felons for life.

In recent years, Iowa, Nebraska and New Mexico have repealed their lifetime bans on voting by people who have been convicted of felonies, and several other states made it easier for freed prisoners or those on probation to vote, according to the report, issued yesterday by the Sentencing Project, a liberal advocacy group in Washington."
--From an article in today's NYT, by Erik Eckholm.

It's not too often that I get to be proud of Nebraska for leading the country in something I find politically salutary. Bravo, Cornhuskers!

. . .

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