Aug 23, 2007

Rule 406 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

Evidence of the habit of a person or of the routine practice of an organization, whether corroborated or not and regardless of the presence of eyewitnesses, is relevant to prove that the conduct of the person or organization on a particular occasion was in conformity with the habit or routine practice.

I am out of many habits. One of them I am out of, and therefore it could not be used to prove that my conduct on a particular occasion was in conformity with it, since it isn't, is posting to this b-log. Check.

I am back at work for real now, although I will become realer still when (crossed fingers and wood knocked) I find out I pass the bar. But even as a "paralegal" (and oh how that title is beginning to grate), I am able to do quite a bit, just not in court. Today I interviewed a client and wrote a Motion to Continue. I write letters to clients and other people. I read over my colleague's work to see how it's done and make suggestions. Tomorrow I will draft an Answer. A few weeks ago I represented someone in a social security disability hearing. So far it's a pretty good job, actually. These seem to be the necessary factors for keeping me happy at work:
  • I keep busy
  • with tasks that don't take many, many hours/days to complete
  • that vary
  • and require creativity
  • and that are important to someone.
  • I talk to lots of different kinds of people (lawyers for the opposition, my colleagues, clients [who themselves vary quite a bit], judges, social workers, et al.).
  • I am learning new stuff everyday.
  • The amount to learn is small enough to be manageable for each task (so far anyway), but large enough so that I will be learning for a long long time.
  • I like my colleagues with whom I interact regularly.
So far this post is pretty boring. Hm. Some spicier content:

This is a beautiful batik, a gift from my parents. It depicts a West African woman wearing a baby on her back, pounding cassava or some other starch into goo. It is also the first thing that I have gotten around to hanging in my new house.

I have also gotten out of the habit of cooking, but that should change with the arrival of SWT & HDL tomorrow. Good times, good eats ahead.

I'm still planning on getting a puppy but my finances and allergies are too taxed at the moment to withstand one.

Oh yes, and I've been doing some knitting. The Bag of Bags is coming closer to completion:

Eventually I will have post some photos of other recent events, but my gallery is on the friznitz, so I guess it'll have to wait.

. . .

1 comment:

Angela O said...


what is that bag made of?