Oct 17, 2007

mountains levelled

(This is mostly an excuse to use the webdings font.)
Mountain #1: the recycling in my laundry room. a
Mountain #2: thank you notes. a
Mountain #3: dirty dishes. a
Mountain #4: laundry. l
Mountain #5: the dining room table.a (mostly)

I'm slowly spanking this place into shape. My birthday provided a lot of inspiration, actually. Among the wondrous bounty I received are a painting, two framed photographs, and a big map plus I bought myself a birthday painting too. They need hanging, and it seems shameful to hang them in the box of clutter that is my house. I'm really truly attempting to clear out some of that silly detritus (a nod to MVA and the faraway days at 7 College Ave.) that I've been hauling and storing for years and years. I'll never be a minimalist, but I can try to avoid being trashist too. I'm too tired to think of what kind of ist that leaves me. Maybe a goodist?

. . .

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