Nov 11, 2006

once upon a melancholy evening

My favorite sweater was given to me by RLY nigh upon 10 years ago, and given to her by her father, who wore it for, lo, many years before that. Rachel's father is a fireman, a wonder with tools and sweater-choosing. I'm sure that part of what made it so dear to me was its long history. It's also a quite distinct whiteblue color--I;ve never seen another sweater of the same hue. This beautiful old sweater had become unwearable, holey, and shapeless, but I couldn't bring myself to throw it out. So it lay patiently on the floor of my bedroom for me to find its new purpose. I still haven't found that purpose. But today I converted it into a form that is better suited to new purposes: yarn.

This is where the sleeve met the sweater body. I always loved those little cables.

I still have one sleeve to unravel.

Thanks for all your good years, Old Blue Sweater.

. . .

1 comment:

abmatic said...

that looks like it is going really well!
Im a little scared to try it...