Nov 7, 2006

steve ferris and jessie cherry conspire to give content to this post

I don't know if this is already on Anne's McBlog, but check it out. From an old friend.


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Scott Kleeb is the Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives in NEBRASKA's 3rd district. tomorrow, he may deprive the GOP of one of their safest seats in the House. and... now, /IF/ he wins this one, and /IF/ he stays positive after two years in Congress, he will have a real /political/ /future/. This is a link to several of his short campaign videos which may better help you understand why I am so excited by his candidacy.

if you can watch and listen to only one of these, let it be this one.

-- Ferris/CUB//tejón/

I'm Steve Ferris, and I approved this message.

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